
Nice-Looking Filou Hit For You
Nice-Looking Filou Hit For You

Eltern:                               Großeltern:                          Ur-Großeltern
                                                                                Ch.Gillaber Tillycorthie
                                                                                KCSB 3591 CF
                                         Moonhill Does It In Style    Ch.Moonhill's Classy 
                                         KCSB 1619 CH                   Business
                                         HD:7/5 (GB)                      KCSB 0686 CB

Essandsee off the Peg                                                 Binbusy Grieg at Darkwater
VDH/ZBrH BEC 15620           Darkwater Diamond Lil at    KCSB 5237 BY
(KCR AA01218104)              Essandsee                         Schwarz-weiss
Braun-weiss                        KCR V4030806V03
HD-A                                                                          Darkwater Dinah Might
CEA-PRA-KAT-FREI/2001                                               KCR S1337407S02

                                                                                 Ch.Nobility O'Connor
                                                                                 VDH/ZBrH BEC 10397
                                         Dt.Jgch,Bjsg'97,Dt.Ch.         HD-A
                                         VDH,-Bsg'00                       CEA-PRA-Katarakt-frei/96
                                         Nobility Toby Or Not Toby
Nice-looking Black               VDH/ZBRH BEC 11997          Nobility Lillyfee My Love
Bonny Bonita                              Braun-weiss                        VDH/ZBrH BEC 9539
VDH/ZBrH BEC 15833            HD-A                                 Schwarz-weiss
Schwarz-weiss                      VEA-PRA-Katarakt-frei/98     HD-B
HD-A                                                                           CEA-PRA-Katarakt-frei/96CEA-PRA-KAT-FREI/2002       
                                                                                                               Ch.Seagull Sweeps the Board
                                                       Clever & Smart Do It Better   NHSB 1.578.326
                                         VDH/ZBrH BEC 11347             Schwarz-weiss HD-B
                                         Schwarz-weiss                       CEA-PRA-Katarakt-frei/90-Nl.
                                         CEA-PRA-Katarakt-frei/98       Clever & Smart Alice Ascot
                                                                                    VDH/ZBrH BEC 8738

Essandsee off the Peg (=Filous Papa)
Essandsee off the Peg (=Filous Papa)
Nice-Looking Black Bonny Bonita (=Filous Mama)
Nice-Looking Black Bonny Bonita (=Filous Mama)